About Joseph

Hello. My name is Joseph, and this is my family.

I’m a minister, live production director, and freelancer from greater Kansas City. I primarily contribute at ChurchProduction.com, writing devotionals and other articles as pitched or assigned. I’m also the host and producer of their podcast. Here are some examples of my work there:

SERAPHIM is my outlet for literature. You can read more about it below, but if you’re looking for samples of the kind of writing that’s nearest and dearest to my heart, just click here:

Read The Best of SERAPHIM

You can find some of my other featured work at the following links (please note that I recently started going by Joseph professionally. My earlier work is under my nickname, Joey):

Thank you for reading if you have been, and thank you for stopping by if you’re new. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you. 


And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.”

Revelation 4:8

Beings stand gathered around the throne of God, created to continually shout, holy! They continue to see something else beautiful and wild and unseen and so they continually shout. Looking at the Holy, they find themselves and lose themselves all at once.

They are the seraphim.

I am not one of them, but I have looked and still look at the Holy, and I cannot stop saying something about him. I write because the Holy has put fire in my bones, whether anyone is going to read it or not, just as Eugene Peterson admonished.

Again, thank you for reading, or at least thinking about reading, it’s an honor to share my looking with you and so also share my soul with you.


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Send all inquiries to jsph.cottle@gmail.com.

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Essays, prose, poems, and short fiction observing the Holy.


I'm trying to write about God in ways that move me and will hopefully move you, too. I live in Kansas City for now, and I like to be in the mountains--or just outside at all--with my family or a fly rod in hand.